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150-300LB Quick Release Basket Strainer.

600LB Quick Release Basket Strainer

Duplex ‘Firplex’ Strainer showing Ball Valve Arrangement

‘Multi-basket’ Basket Strainer(Davit optional extra).

Flanged Y-Type

Screwed Y-Type

Socket Weld Y-Type

Fabricated Butt Weld ‘Bath Tub’ Strainer

Stainless Steel Fabricated Basket Strainer complete with Optional Davit.

Typical Cast Bi-Simplex strainer

Various Conical strainers

Typical Duplex Strainer

Typical Fabricated Flanged ‘Bath Tub’ Strainer

The Barton Firtop Engineering Co. Ltd. (Incorporating RGR Fabricating and
Welding Services) is a leader in the design, development and manufacture of Filters, Strainers and Coalescers for fluid processing applications and the procurement and supply of Flame Arresters and fluid control equipment associated with the above products.

The company aim is to provide valued, defect-free, safe and reliable products that
meet all applicable statutory and regulatory standards and agreed customer requirements and specifications.